Bear Bucks offers a sprawling and composable suite of DeFi instruments aiming to generate stablecoins sustainably and efficiently for participants.
The bear market has never been comfier.
1% Stablecoin Reflections
5% Treasury Fee
4% Operations Fee
8% Stablecoin Reflections
8% Treasury Fee
2.5% Operations Fee
1.5% LP Boost
Initial BEAR-ETH Liquidity
Total Supply (Fixed)
Max Wallet
Contract Address: 0xfd1ce765af87ac647059323f29a560e386a65492 (Ethereum Mainnet)
DISCLAIMER: Bear Bucks is a fun little experiment on the Ethereum blockchain. Nothing on this site constitutes financial or legal advice. Be careful! Never buy more tokens than what you can afford to lose. Bear Bucks cannot guarantee, secure, or be obligated to offer any estimated rate of return.